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Event design is more than making a room look nice. It’s about artfully combining event design elements to create a space where people want to be.Your aesthetic — the combination of lighting, decor, color palate, furniture styles, and layout —  can change the entire atmosphere of a venue. It sets the tone, gives guests a sense of what to expect, and even impacts engagement.

Thoughtful event design can lead to higher attendee satisfaction levels overall. To master the art of designing with a purpose, you’ve got to know the basics like the back of your hand. Here are five core elements of design theory, and how you can put each to use when producing your next event.

Event design element

Event design element: Space

It all starts with having a clear understanding of a space — its features and dimensions:

  • Where will guests enter and exit?
  • Where are the bathrooms or bar?
  • Will any fixed elements, such as a projector screen, limit your layout options?

Once you understand the basics, try to sketch a layout that achieves the right balance between positive (furnished) and negative (empty) space. Good use of this design element maintains a delicate equilibrium. Event design element tip: Don’t forget to take into consideration practical factors, i.e. not creating a bottleneck in areas where guests might frequently pass, so visitors enjoy a seamless journey.

Event design element

Event design element: Lines

Visual lines are created by both the furnishings and the architecture. When balanced, it creates a sense of harmony. Take a good look at the natural lines of your venue and aim to complement them when bringing in other elements.

  • Horizontal lines can be added through items such as rectangular rugs, tables, and floor tiles.
  • Vertical lines can be made with drapes, columns and wall hangings.
  • Dynamic lines are the ones that add interest and movement, such as curves and angles.

Want to camouflage or highlight an area? You can also use lines to draw the eye towards or away from elements in your event space. For example, if your venue has very high ceilings, you can make the room feel cozier by using lines of low-hanging horizontal lights. Conversely, you can use vertical lines, like a striped rug, to elongate a smaller space.

Event design element

Event design element: Form

Form is the shape created by any 3D object, including furniture, decor, and structures. Most spaces include a mix of cubes, circles, angles, and curves. Create a striking look by choosing one key shape to influence your aesthetic. Or, you could pick a statement piece in an unusually bold shape to spark interest.

Scale and proportion are equally important. For example, an imposing entrance arch or having really long, linear tables create a dramatic statement. Another way to catch the eye with scale is by recreating an everyday object, such as a spoon, in giant size. Because it’s unexpected it instantly becomes a focal point.

Event design element

Event design element: Light

Light is a key element in creating ambiance during event design. Unfortunately, not every venue has great lighting already installed. Experiment with rental lighting to influence the mood. Uplighting, spotlights, and strip lighting can draw attention to focal points. Or, create interest with illuminated wall decor that enhances your design.

Event design element

Event design element: Color

Colors can set the mood and tone for an event. Want attendees to focus and learn? Go for a cool color scheme with greens or blues. Yellow encourages conversation. Looking for creativity? Hot pink or orange. Or, perhaps you’re staging a decadent evening, in which case black and metallic colors like gold will set the scene.

Once you’ve decided, choose key decor, lighting, and signage elements that incorporate your color scheme. Just beware of going overboard — color should accent a space, not overwhelm it.

Event design element

Event design element: Touch

Texture plays a big role in how attendees will engage physically with your event. If you have a bouncy, rubber floor, people will want to jump on it, a fluffy wall will be stroked, while an ice statue might be tentatively poked. Consider how materials can be mixed and matched to create delight and enhance the overall experience of spending time in a particular space.


In Conclusion…

Apply these six design principles to create an amazing ambiance that will grab attendees’ attention from the minute they step inside — and be remembered for long after. Whatever type of event you’re organizing, renting furniture and decor is an easy way to create the perfect atmosphere. Check out our expansive inventory of custom-fabricated and carefully curated styles available today!

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